Saturday, April 18, 2009

Walking Robot

So, I can only hope that some day my posts won't have so much to do with my job. However, in the meantime, most of the humor in my life comes from my crazy students. On Thursday this week, I was getting after one of my students for some reason or another, with my group I'm lucky if I can remember what they do an hour later let alone 3 days later. Anyway, I sent her to our time out room and on her way she said, "you are a walking robot with no *@#$%&* feelings" Bleep marks added to protect the innocent, she actually dropped the cuss word.
Anyway, it got me thinking about my expression of my feelings. For anyone who knows me well, you know that i wear my emotions on my sleeve. I guess it was good to realize that my students don't see that. I am able to put my emotions aside and focus on the students. But a walking robot, wow!!! I am better than I thought.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Wicked was AMAZING!!!

So, our trip to California was a blast! We saw dolphins and sea lions swimming in the ocean. We toured Alcatraz. We ate at the most incredible seafood restaurant on the San Francisco coast. We rode on a ferry, a trolley, paid obscene amounts for parking. We went to Wicked, the most amazing musical ever. We spent times with great friends, took a drive around Sacramento. It was so much fun. The weather was fantastic, and I loved spending time with Kevin. Now it's back to the daily routines of life. Hope all is well for everyone.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Best Compliment Ever

So, I think all of you know that I teach behavior challenge teenagers. I frequently tell my teaching assistant that anytime a student insults her that she should take it as a compliment because it means she is pushing buttons and doing her job. Well, I must be doing fantastic! In the last 2 days, I have been called a witch (with a b), a "freakin idiot", told i was hated, mean, annoying, and a piece of crap. I love my job. ;) It's just nice to know that i have friends without those opinions. Hope all is well for everyone. I have decided to try to be a little better with the whole blogging thing. Just be patient with me.