Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Best Compliment Ever

So, I think all of you know that I teach behavior challenge teenagers. I frequently tell my teaching assistant that anytime a student insults her that she should take it as a compliment because it means she is pushing buttons and doing her job. Well, I must be doing fantastic! In the last 2 days, I have been called a witch (with a b), a "freakin idiot", told i was hated, mean, annoying, and a piece of crap. I love my job. ;) It's just nice to know that i have friends without those opinions. Hope all is well for everyone. I have decided to try to be a little better with the whole blogging thing. Just be patient with me.

1 comment:

Rebecca Seipert said...

Hey Ashley! So I noticed you have a "Wicked" countdown on your blog. I am jealous. Where are you going to see it???